20 Things to do While Stuck in Quarantine

Last Updated: April 4, 2020

Our world has been turned upside down. March has seen a drastic increase in coronavirus cases and deaths across the world and W.H.O has officially declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. Beyond that, attractions and businesses around the world are closing their doors, countries are declaring a state of emergency and many–for the foreseeable future–are forbidding citizens to leave their homes unless necessary. It’s clear we need to get used to this new normal for some time. So, to ease the quarantine boredom, here’s ways to keep busy during the coronavirus outbreak.

Clean your house.

First things first, if you’re going to be stuck at home for a couple of weeks you might as well begin by cleaning up. Clean homes have been proven to heighten your spirits and alleviate stress, so keep yourself feeling happy when you’re cooped up inside all day by tidying up.

Have a designated work space.

You still probably have lots of work you need to get done, so set up a spot in your home to do so. Keep a to-do list, have a schedule, and try not to distract yourself when you’re in work-mode.

Cook something delicious.

We hardly have the “I’m too busy to cook” excuse anymore. Break out your favorite ingredients and whip up something delicious for yourself and whoever else you might be quarantined with.

Write more.

Get those creative juices flowing and crack open your favorite journal or open your laptop and write something down. Even if you’re not a writer, we are living in interesting times and writing out some thoughts is certainly not a bad way to pass the time.

Skype your friends.

Missing your pals? Utilize Skype. Start a chat with your friends or family, crack open a drink, and then it’s almost like you’re back at the bar having laughs — just like it was last week or something.

Break out the gym socks.

Movement burns calories, but if we’re cooped up inside we’re not “getting our steps in”, so it’s time to make home your new gym. Slip into your workout gear, lace up your shoes, and get to it. YouTube and other sites have plenty of free workout tutorials to get you going.

Zen out.

In addition to getting your blood pumping, take some time for reflection. Meditate, do yoga, and lose yourself for a second. It’ll really help during a time like this.

Discover a new podcast.

It’s a perfect time to start a new podcast! Whether you want to listen while you’re cooking up something delicious or working on your glutes, indulge yourself in the beauty of the land of podcasts.

Try out a MOOC class.

…What’s that? MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Courses and they’re free online classes from universities. There’s all sorts of classes you can join from philosophy and Mandarin Chinese to business management and the cultural influence of Star Trek.

Or enjoy a discounted online course.

The New York Post Store is offering all sorts of discounted bundles on courses that typically cost in the thousands. Now many are available for just $29.99 to help us all get through this quarantine fully occupied.

Also, Brit + Co offers a variety of fun and interesting classes from calligraphy, illustration, and photography.

Reread your favorite books.

Or finish your current one! You might not be able to go out and buy a new book, but it’s a joy to reread a favorite.

You can also use your Kindle or download the Kindle app on your phone for access to thousands of other books.

READ MORE: Life Under Lockdown in Barcelona

Work towards your goals.

Is there something you’ve been longing to do that you’ve been putting off because you don’t have time? Now’s your chance. If it’s something you can do at home, at least. Unfortunately, it’s probably not the best time to trek up Mt. Everest. But — if your thing is learning a new language, writing more, drawing, studying something new, exercising, photography, etc. you can totally do it at home for now.

Get some sun.

Don’t forget to nourish yourself with some vitamin D. Open your windows or curtains and spend some time on your balcony or porch.

Have a spa day.

Quarantined on a Saturday? You might not be able to hit the clubs, so treat yourself to something even better: a warm bubble bath and a glass of wine.

Research a destination.

Research a place to travel to after the coronavirus outbreak calms down. Hop on Pinterest, crack open your travel guides, and get to planning a future adventure.

Play games.

If you’re quarantined alone: There’s sudoku, online chess, computer games, those Pigeon games that are available to play with your friends on iMessage, and so much more.

If you’re quarantined with friends or family: Dust off your favorite board games, play a game of cards, or battle each other on Mario Kart. Whatever your thing is!

Or set up a Skype or Zoom session and have a trivia night with friends or play a game of Cards Against Humanity online.

Jam out and have a dance party.

Nothing lifts the spirits like a little boogie! Turn up the tunes and break out your best dance moves. Don’t worry, nobody’s watching unless you want them to.

Turn into a baker.

Start testing your bakery skills by whipping up fresh bread, croissants, and other pastry items. It’s a great way to pass the time and learn a new skill while stuck in quarantine.

Binge travel movies.

We might be stuck at home and unable to travel for the foreseeable future, so why not enjoy some travel inspired movies to help cope. Here are my favorite travel movies.

Play Animal Crossing.

Whether or not you have a Nintendo Switch or the latest game Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you can still play Animal Crossing straight from your phone for free. Admittedly, the Nintendo Switch version is better, but the Pocket Camp version for IOS and Android is pretty fun too! Plus, it’s a great way to relax and pass the time as Animal Crossing is a very peaceful game.

Note: Some of the links above contain affiliate links. This doesn’t increase the cost of any item to you, but simply means that I’ll receive a small commission of any sales from those links. But don’t worry — I only share products that I love and trust!

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Hi, I’m Christa! Welcome to my sustainable solo travel blog dedicated to inspiring others to travel slowly, embracing a heart-forward and spirited approach to adventure. 

-The Spirited Explorer

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