30 Travel Tips to Make You a Better Traveler

Last Updated: April 2, 2019

Through much trial and error, I’ve discovered tips and routines to make my traveling experiences all the more fulfilling and efficient. I think back to my 2014 self when I was ridiculously over-packing, missing flights, and just being an all-around newbie traveler. Four years of travel later, and I can finally say that I’ve it got (mostly) figured out.

How to make travel better, easier, and more efficient:


1. Wear sunscreen.

It’s an absolute must. Put it in your carry-on, wear it daily, love it, worship it! It’s not only the healthy thing to do for your body, but what’s worse than that dreaded sun-burnt, peeling skin? Expert tip: Wear sunscreen on planes as well.

2. Don’t over-pack.

The lighter you pack, the easier it is to travel. Take it from me, a once professional over-packer, you won’t wear or use half the things you bring. Even now as I’ve learned to pack light, I still don’t wear everything I bring.

3. Wake up early.

Catch the sunrise and watch the world wake up around you. This is also a great tip if you want to get amazing travel photos — less crowds, better photos.

4. Walk or cycle.

It’s the best way to see and get to know a city.

5. Stash some cash.

Keep some cash hidden away. You never know what can happen.

6. Keep your belongings close.

Don’t put your cell phone in your back pocket or somewhere where it is exposed and keep your belongings secure.

7. Limit what you bring when going out.

When going out to explore, don’t bring all your debit cards, cash, ID, or passport. Leave your passport somewhere safe, bring your ID, some cash, and your debit card if you need it.

8. Stay is hostels.

It’s the best way to cut down costs, make friends, and get the best tips for things to do in your destination.

10. Visit local coffee shops.

Not Starbucks. You’ll meet more locals and get a taste of the local coffee culture.

11. Bring a scarf.

It comes in handy. Wrap it around yourself when visiting mosques, use it as a blanket when you’re cold on a flight. Use it as a picnic blanket for a lunch at the park. It has many uses.

12. Moisturize.

Flying dries out your skin due to the low humidity, so keeping moisturizer handy is essential.

13. Moisturize your feet.

Traveling does quite a number on the feet, so give them some love by moisturizing to prevent them from cracking and drying out.

14. Wear appropriate shoes.

Don’t wear thin sandals or flats when going to explore a city. Your feet will be upset with you and you’ll be lucky if you make it through the entire day without falling over. Decent shoes will keep you going.

15. Learn at least the essentials in the local language.

“Hello,” “Please,” Thank you,” and “I’m sorry.” It goes a long way and it shows a great deal of respect.

16. Try working holidays.

Working Holidays allow foreigners to come to certain countries to live and work for a temporary amount of time. For example, Americans can live and work in Australia, New Zealand, or Ireland for 1-2 years with a Working Holiday visa. Click the links for details.

17. Try Workaway.

Workaway offers travelers a budget-friendly way to experience a new place. You exchange labor for a bed and perhaps food. There are options all around the world from working in hostels or farms to working on a yacht.

18. Keep an open mind.

You’re in a new place. Things are always going to be different.

19. Avoid group tours that do all the planning for you.

What fun is that? Half the adventure is navigating a destination on your own.

20. But do walking or cycling tours!

It’s not to say you shouldn’t do any tours. Participate in a free walking or cycling tour and learn all about the city or destination you’re visiting.

21. Spend more time in less places.

You’re less likely to get burnt out and you’ll actually get to learn more about the places you’re visiting instead of simply checking it off your list.

22. Bring portable chargers.

They’re helpful for those long-haul flights or overnight excursions.

23. Bring adapters.

You’ll need them.

24. Search ‘Incognito’ when shopping around for flights.

If you don’t, the cookies can track you and raise the price of the flights you’re looking at.

25. Make copies.

Make copies of your passport and other important documents. You always want to be prepared.

26. Go off the beaten path.

The tourist attractions may be cool, but where do the locals go? Visit smaller towns, too.

27. Get lost.

You never know what you might stumble upon.

28. Put yourself out of your comfort zone.

Do things you might not ever do back home. Make this an adventure! You might find a new passion along the way.

29. Write things down.

It’s nice to have written word to look back on. I cherish all my travel journals and re-reading them bring tears of joy and laughter to my eyes. Let it do the same for you.

30. Talk to the locals.

They know best.

Have additional advice to give? Let me know in the comments below!

Hi there!
the sprited explorer portrait

Hi, I’m Christa! Welcome to my sustainable solo travel blog dedicated to inspiring others to travel slowly, embracing a heart-forward and spirited approach to adventure. 

-The Spirited Explorer

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6 Responses

  1. There are so many good tidbits of wisdom in this post. I agree most with the idea of spending more time in less places. I travel that way, wanting to hunker down and really get to know a place. Whenever I’ve heard about friends going on quick trips where they spend no more than two days in one place, it doesn’t seem much like a vacation so I think that’s great advice. I think I have the hardest time with not overpacking though. Wanting to take blog photos means that I’m always packing a lot of outfits but it’s true that it makes you less mobile.

    Great post!



  2. Thanks for sharing! Such a great list! Packing light when I first started traveling was so hard! After many years of being on the road, I have learned this tip and it is so liberating! Packing the few essentials and buying what you need along the way not only makes it easier to travel, but you also end up with some cool, usable souvenirs from your travels! Great post!



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