Solo Female Travel: How to Take Travel Photos of Yourself

Last Updated: May 20, 2024

Beautiful and seemingly effortless pictures of solo travelers spam the land of Instagram on the daily, but how are these women even doing it, you may ask. They’re traveling solo and somehow still end up with fantastic Instagramable photographs of themselves. So you’re probably wondering how to take travel photos of yourself next time you’re away.

Traveling, of course, is still about the destination, the adventure into a new land, and the experiences and lessons we learn along the way. But – our photos help tell our stories. As a solo female traveler, however, it may seem difficult or unrealistic to achieve these shots of yourself on your own, but with a few tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to sharing your stories with the world with the help of your amazing solo traveler self-portraits.

I’ve been regularly traveling solo since 2014. Back then, I can safely admit that my travel photos were nothing to write home about. Over the years, however, I learned a few things about getting the right shot and discovering my personal style. Those seemingly unbelievable photos weren’t too far out of reach after all.

Here are my go-to solo travel photography tips.

First and foremost:

  • Don’t be embarrassed. It can feel awkward to take your own photos when you can feel eyes on you, but chances are you’ll never see those perfect strangers again, and I assure you that getting these photos are worth the brief moment of awkwardness that you my feel.
  • Be shameless! If you want a particular picture – go for it! Be wild, be creative. Those are the pictures that have the most impact.
  • Invest in a good camera. If you really want great photos, your cell phone isn’t always going to cut it. Phones are getting better and better every year, but nothing can truly compare to the quality of a nice camera.


Now… How to take travel photos of yourself

Here are my best solo travel photography tips to keep in mind for your next trip.

#1. Ask strangers.

Nine times out of ten someone is going to be happy to take your photo. Just ask – but be specific about what you want. Portrait or landscape? Tell them!

Another big tip when taking your own travel photos is to show them on the camera exactly how you want the picture to be framed. Usually I say, “Hi, would you mind taking a photo of me?” Then I show them through my camera just how I want it taken and pretty much just ask them to hold the camera there and snap the shot.

PRO TIP: Ask someone who is already taking photos (more likely that they know what they’re doing – not always, but it helps.)

Traveling solo in Budapest recently, I used this approach with a lady and here’s the result. I originally asked someone else, but didn’t like the way the photo turned out, so I actually waited for another person to walk by and I tried again.

This is a great tip fo solo traveler photos: Don’t settle on the first photo if you’re not happy. Wait for another person to walk by and try again.

#2. Put your camera on self timer or use WiFi.

If you’re crafty and confident, you don’t need to ask someone to take you photo when solo traveling. Take it yourself instead!

Set your camera up somewhere (preferably with a tri-pod) and get to snappin’! Take a few sample shots to see if it’s framed how you like and then throw yourself in front of the camera.

This is even better if you have a digital camera with built in WiFi. I use the wonderful Olympus E-M10 MARK II and it has a built in WiFi feature allowing me to look at the viewfinder through my phone and take pictures that way instead of running back and forth. Much easier!

Please note that this option isn’t always the easiest in busy places. I usually do shots like this early in the morning or in more empty spaces such as parks and forests.

However, if you have a tripod and want to wake up early, go visit a few photo shoot worthy spots as early as possible when there are little to no people, set up your tripod, and go. It’s always easier and less intimidating if hardly anyone is around.

Here’s a shot I took by propping my camera up on a tree stump and using my camera’s WiFi in a beautiful forest in Scotland.

I highly recommend having a tripod because it will make your life immensely easier in terms of getting good photos of yourself traveling. This is one of the best durable travel tripods and it’s the one I use. Check it out when considering how to take travel photos of yourself.

However, like shown above there have been moments where I’ve gotten good shots by meticulously propping my camera up on tree stumps and various things I have around me, but I waste so much time trying to get the position perfect. A tripod will help cut that down.

Solo travel photo taken by propping camera between a tree


#3 Take a “Selfie”.

If you’re out of options on how to take travel photos of yourself, just pop the camera in front of your face! Still try to get as much of the background as possible though, so that you’re still capturing the essence of wherever you are. Honestly, use a selfie stick if you want! You have to be shameless if you want the pictures you desire.

Below is a solo female travel photo I took of myself in Bahia Palace in Marrakesh, Morocco and the second one is in Inveraray, Scotland.


  • Ask strangers and demonstrate exactly how you want the photo.
  • If you don’t like the first photo, wait for someone else to walk by and try again.
  • Use your camera’s self-timer or built-in WiFi.
  • Wake up early if you want the best shots when using a tripod.
  • Be shameless!
  • Take selfies and use a selfie stick.
  • Go show the world what amazing adventures you’re having!!!

Note: Some of the links above contain affiliate links. This doesn’t increase the cost of any item to you, but simply means that I’ll receive a small commission of any sales from those links. But don’t worry — I only share products that I love and trust!

Hi there!
the sprited explorer portrait

Hi, I’m Christa! Welcome to my sustainable solo travel blog dedicated to inspiring others to travel slowly, embracing a heart-forward and spirited approach to adventure. 

-The Spirited Explorer

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