There’s something deeply alluring about Morocco. Maybe it’s the intricate patterns and endless colors, the chaotic souks or the Call to Prayer echoing over its cities. Or perhaps it’s the fresh smell of mint tea and vegetable tajine that does it for me. Whatever it is, it keeps me returning.

I’ve been to Morocco a few times now and I’m already dreaming of my next trip. People ask why I don’t just go somewhere I haven’t been before instead of planning yet another trip to Morocco. But the thing is, if you enjoy something, don’t you want to do it again? You have one delicious piece of chocolate cake and that’s it — no more chocolate cake for the rest of your life! Would you do that? Of course not!
There are those, however, who travel with the main agenda of checking items off a long list of “must sees” and “must dos.” If you’re this type of traveler: what are you really traveling for? Yourself or the idea you want others to perceive of you from your travels? What experience are you taking away from this?
I believe if you are truly a passionate traveler, you’ll repeat beloved destinations over again, even if you’re like me and still have a long list of other places you’d still like to visit. Here’s why.
Travel is about immersion.
In order to feel immersed in a place you have to familiarize yourself with it. You do that by spending extended amounts of time in a place. This is best done through slow travel, which is the idea of taking your time. There’s no rush. Relax, immerse, and experience a place fully.
Travel is about connection.
You’ll begin to feel more of a connection with a place the more times you visit and the longer you stay. Beyond that, the real connections are the people you meet.
Sometimes it’s not even completely about the destination that draws you in, but rather its people. Sometimes it’s both.
I find Moroccans to be kind, generous, and curious souls. They long to make connections, sharing their deepest thoughts, fears, and dreams with the people they meet. As someone who has typically been quite reserved about who I am and how I feel, it’s a breath of fresh air to talk to people who are so honest and clear about what they want out of their lives.
You begin to feel more comfortable in the places you revisit.
Sometimes initially stepping into a new city or place can be daunting and a bit overwhelming. When you’ve been to the place before, you already have a grasp on what to expect.
You remember, more or less, how to get from point A to point B, you know where to eat, and you know how to use the bus system, for example. It’s not as much of a surprise or game as it can be when visiting a new place.
Plus, there’s something enchanting about revisiting a place you’ve already been because of this. It’s like you know the land and can begin to transition into a more local mindset.
You learn more about the place.
Visiting Morocco for the firs time I learned a few things here and there about the local culture in Marrakech and the general Moroccan lifestyle, but it wasn’t until my last trip in June of this year that I really learned about Morocco. I did this by immersing myself with the locals, spending hours talking about our lives over tea. I even learned how to make a proper Moroccan mint tea and got a crash course in Arabic along the way.
READ MORE: Travel Guide to Marrakech
This is what repeat travel is all about. Connecting with one another, experiencing the world, and not just checking places off a list. Travel slow, travel often, and revisit your favorite destinations time and time again.

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