Books to read this summer

Binge-worthy Books to Read This Summer While Traveling

Last Updated: September 26, 2024

Summers spent reading books is something we should all embrace. Whether you’re laying by some pretty Mediterranean beach, taking a scenic train ride, traveling solo or simply unwinding after a day of sight-seeing, books are an amazing way to pass time. It’s good for your brain, makes you a better speaker and writer, and it’s just cool. So, here are the books to read this summer while traveling the world!

I would like to say that just because I recommend these books for summer travels, that doesn’t mean all of these books are about traveling. Not many of them are, actually. I chose them because I think they’re hella good books that make for an enjoyable read in summer. And, they’re actually all written by women. 💜

Looking for amazing literary fiction books to read while traveling this summer? I've compiled some favorite must-read books. Main character is all of these books are women, and several are even narrated in first person. They're hot, spicy, sad, weird, summer-filled, and all the goodness of a summer read.

Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney

If you’re looking for a bit of romance, raw emotions, and fantastic dialogue, Conversations with Friends is an excellent choice. It’s set primarily in Dublin, Ireland with a trip to the French countryside about halfway through. It follows the first person perspective of our main character Frances, a university student in Dublin, as she navigates relationships with her best friend/ex-girlfriend Bobbi and well-off married couple Nick and Melissa.

She is an aspiring writer, performing spoken word in the evenings alongside Bobbi when they meet Nick and Melissa. As the group grows closer, Nick and Frances form a bond. It’s a unique perspective on happiness, sadness, doing what’s best for your own mentality, and being in love.

It’s a fantastic book to read this summer thanks to its summertime setting in the French countryside with sunbathing, lots of wine, laughter, feelings, and good conversations with friends.

“Gradually the waiting began to feel less like waiting and more like this was simply what life was: the distracting tasks undertaken while the thing you are waiting for continues not to happen.” -Sally Rooney, Conversations with Friends

hot girl summer books to read while traveling this summer

summer reading list 2022

My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Otessa Moshfegh

Ok, here me out. I chose this as a summer reading book because, well, I think it is incredible but also because I think the general public would prefer to read this book during the warm months rather than the cold ones when it gets dark at four in the afternoon and you’re stuck in your apartment. If you end up reading this book, you’ll see what I mean.

So, My Year of Rest and Relaxation is set in New York City in the year 2000. It’s about a 26-year-old woman who attempts to reinvent herself and wipe herself clean by self-medicating on heavy pills like Ambien, Nembutal, and the mysterious Infermiterol. Her game plan is to sleep for an entire year; not back to back, just long enough to wake up, down two coffees with six sugars and cream, eat something, watch movies with one eye open, and go back to sleep. Surprisingly, a lot can happen when you spend your days sleeping. If you want a likeable narrator, you’re not going to find it in this book. This character sucks from the way she lives her life, treats her friends, and takes care of her body.

Nonetheless, I found this book to be absolutely hilariously dark and morbid while depicting depression and streams on consciousness in an impressive, well-written way.

“For a moment I felt joyful, and then I felt completely exhausted.” -Ottessa Moshfegh, My Year of Rest and Relaxation

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

If you read this book in high school, I demand you to read it again with fresh, non-studious eyes. It’s a book that will make you cry, laugh out loud, and feel some type of way. Pride and Prejudice may have been published in 1813, but it doesn’t even feel like it. Jane Austen is a witty, funny, and a literary genius.

Set in England, you’ll follow the story of Elizabeth Bennet and her romantic clash with the wealthy Mr. Darcy. Both have to overcome their biases to successfully fall in love and perhaps marry. We watch them both learn and unlearn their pride and prejudices to become better lovers and see the goodness in one another. You see, Elizabeth is clever, snappy, and opinionated, often making quick judgments. Mr. Darcy, on the other hand, is an aristocrat who is arrogant, prideful, blunt, and sure of himself.

This is an excellent book to read this summer while traveling for many years, but particularly if you’ll be wandering the English countryside or taking a tour to Pemberley, the estate Darcy is the lord of the book.

“To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love.” -Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

best books to read this summer while traveling (me reading in Barcelona)

Exciting Times by Naoise Dolan

This is probably my favorite book, so it absolutely has to be on my summer book recommendation list. Set in Hong Kong, Exciting Times is written from the perspective of our main character Ava. She is from Dublin and has come to Hong Kong to teach English. She quickly meets Julian, a wealthy Oxford-educated banker. At first just friends, they soon start having sex before she moves into his spare room. Then, while Julian is away on a business trip, Ava meets someone else. It’s a lot of dialogue, thoughts, banter on English and Irish history, love triangles, and what it’s like to feel somewhat blank and isolated.

This book really got me, and perhaps you’ll feel the same way. Whether you’re traveling to Hong Kong or not (it’s not very heavy into depicting life in the city), this is one of the most wonderful books to read this summer.

Love & Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch

Truth be told, I haven’t read this book… yet. However, I’ve already bought it and it’s coming with me to Italy this summer. Love & Gelato meant to be a fun, light-hearted and vibrant read. Plus, it’s set during summer in Tuscany, so it’s a excellent book to read when visiting Italy.

Here’s the gist from Goodreads, “Lina is spending the summer in Tuscany, but she isn’t in the mood for Italy’s famous sunshine and fairy-tale landscape. She’s only there because it was her mother’s dying wish that she get to know her father. But what kind of father isn’t around for sixteen years? All Lina wants to do is go back home.”

Fun fact: It’s soon to be a movie on Netflix. Add it to your list of books to read this summer before it comes out!

books to read this summer

It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover

At first I thought, “Ok, this is just another typical romance.” But I’m glad to say I was wrong about that. I think this book is actually really powerful. It Ends with Us tells the story of Lily Bloom (yes), a young woman who grew up in small town Maine with a not-so-great dad and a devoted mother. Eventually, she moves to Boston and starts working for a marketing firm with the dream of open up her own floral shop.

We learn about her past through letters she has written. In those, she tells the story of her youth and how she fell in love with her first love named Atlas. In the present day, she is falling in love with a neurosurgeon named Ryle. Chemistry is oozing everywhere, but problems lie ahead. That’s all I’m going to say. I went into this book knowing nothing and I’m so glad I did.

Highly recommend romance for your summer reading list while traveling (especially if you’ll be in Boston!)

Read more: 10 Travel Movies to Spark Your Wanderlust

Written by women, these are some of the absolute best books to read this summer. With characters you'll love, or not so much (I'm looking at your Moshfegh) these books will make your summer! Add these to your that girl summer reading list.
Looking for amazing literary fiction books to read while traveling this summer? I've compiled some favorite must-read books. Main character is all of these books are women, and several are even narrated in first person. They're hot, spicy, sad, weird, summer-filled, and all the goodness of a summer read.
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Hi, I’m Christa! Welcome to my sustainable solo travel blog dedicated to inspiring others to travel slowly, embracing a heart-forward and spirited approach to adventure. 

-The Spirited Explorer

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